Life Coach? You?

18 Aug 2024

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ஆரம்பிச்ச அஞ்சு நிமிஷத்துல கலாய்ப்ப, நீயெல்லாம் லைப் கோச்சா டா? ஓ***

Translation: Within 5 mins, you’ll bully the new person. You are Life Coach now, huh?. F***

Comment from my school friend.

My school friend called me, after a long time. It was an interesting conversation about our school life, friends gang, bullying as a fun activity, our perpetual victim friends, our current life, etc etc…

Typically on any allegation against me, I’d tear the other person apart with irrelevant facts with a strong authoritative tone. At the end no one remembers the allegations. That was me, all my life (ask my wife, she’ll have endless stories 😉 )


This time, something has changed. I smiled. I didn’t defend myself. I saw what I was and what I am now. I am able to accept the change. My self-awareness expands with every interaction. It’s like a treasure hunt within myself. I am curious to find what I am made of. I am happy about it 😀

Only difference between the past and present is - a lot of coaching conversations. Trust me, it didn’t happen overnight. The changes are small and slow, and with time it could turn around your life.

Do you want to know you?.

Reach out to me.

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